A loan agreement is a crucial document in your relationship with the bank, as it defines how the relationship between the bank and your company will look until the loan is fully repaid. Mistakes and oversights are difficult to correct later, so proper structuring of the loan transaction from the start is essential.

The correct approach to loan financing consists of three steps:

Development of a financing strategy and analysis of the existing loan agreements
We develop a financing strategy and define a model that best suits the risk profile of your company, taking into account the state of financial markets and your existing loan agreements. We identify potential issues and savings, and align new financing with existing arrangements. We establish acceptable loan parameters – financial conditions (interest rates, fees, terms) and contractual restrictions (financial and non-financial covenants), and define a strategy to achieve the best possible terms.

Preparation of the business plan for the bank
We create a detailed business plan or investment study to best present your business or project to banks. Banks require clear and well-structured business plans to make decisions about loan approvals. With 11 years of experience working in leading domestic and international development banks in risk management roles, I know what and how needs to be presented to ensure a favourable loan approval.

Advisory and support during negotiations with banks
A bank's decision to approve a loan is only the first step in the process. The second step is signing the loan agreement, which is the most important part as it defines your relationship with the bank over the long term. I provide advice and strategic support throughout the entire negotiation process with banks, including meeting preparation, offer evaluation, and negotiation of loan terms.

How do I help you with this service?

Securing the most favourable financial and non-financial terms through proper structuring of the loan transaction.

Preparing a business plan according to the highest standards, clearly communicating key information to banks.

Minimizing legal risks by correctly defining key contractual conditions.

Establishing a system for monitoring the management of financial and non-financial covenants and building quality relationships with banks.